Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC) has published a notification for recruiting Regular Teachers. There is a total of — Vacancies in this recruitment. Candidates can download OSSC Prelims Exam Admit Card from the date 02/03/2023. The OSSC Exam Date is 2024.
OSSC TGT, RHT Syllabus 2024 Prelims & Mains Exam
There is a total of 100 questions in the prelims exam with 100 marks. The post name is TGT Arts, TGT Science (PCM), TGT Science (CBZ), Hindi, Sanskrit, Telegu, Urdu and Physical Education Teacher.
OSSC TGT Syllabus 2024 For Computer Literacy
- Basic Hardware of Computer
- Digital Citizenship
- Common Applications, Networking and Internet
- Social Networking
- Basic computer literacy skills for the use of ICT in the classroom
- Concepts, terminology, and operations that relate to general computer usage.
OSSC TGT Syllabus 2024 For Reasoning Ability
- Basic numeracy
- Logical reasoning and analytical ability
- Decision-making and problem-solving
- General mental ability
- Data interpretation
OSSC TGT Syllabus For General Knowledge
- Indian Polity
- Indian and World Geography
- Economic and Social Development Everyday Science
- History of Odisha/ India and the Indian National Movement
- Current events of State (Odisha) of National and International Importance
Odisha OSSC TGT Syllabus 2024 For Child Development, Pedagogy, Management, Policy (Hindi and Sanskrit)
Growth and Development
- Concept, Difference & Principles of Development
- Growth and development during Adolescence
- Counselling services for Adolescents
Understanding the Learning Process
- Learning as a process and an outcome
Approaches-Humanistic (Karl Rogers)
Constructivist (Piaget and Vygotsky)
Basic conditions of learning: Readiness, Maturation, Motivation, Task and Methods
Factors Affecting Different Developmental Aspects
- Cognitive
- Social (Erikson’s Theory)
- Emotional
- Moral(Kohlberg theory)
- Language Development
- Needs and problems at childhood and Adolescence
Organizing Learning
- Teacher-Centric, Learner-Centric, Learning-Centric
- Characteristics and Process
Addressing Classroom Diversity
- Using varieties of TLMS and AV Aids
- Using the context of the learner
- Using a variety of activities while group learning, small group learning, and self-learning
- Learner in the context of Inclusive Education
Educational Management
- Educational Management: Concept, Importance and Scope, Types of Management, Democratic and Autocratic, Centralized and Decentralized
- Management Structure at different levels, National/State/District/Sub-district(BRCS, CRCS, SMCs, SMDC)
- School Development Plan (SDP): Concept, purpose, Key action by Headmaster, students, Parents, and SMDC
Educational Policies and Programes
- National Educational Policy 2020
- RTE Act, 2009
- National Curriculum Framework,2005
- SSA, RMSA and Samagra Shiksha
OSSC Odisha TGT Syllabus For Child Development, Pedagogy, Management, Policy (PET)
Growth and Development
- Meaning of Growth & Development
- Different Stages of Development
- Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Social Development of a child
- General Characteristics of various stages of growth and development of a child
- Teaching Techniques(Lecture method, Demonstration Method, Discussion method and Project method etc.)
- Important devices and methods of teaching
- Teaching Procedure-Whole method, Part method, Whole and Part method
- Difference between teaching methods and Teaching Aids
School Management & Evaluation
- School Management
- Program planning, principles of program planning in Physical Education
- The function of planning-organization of school sports, coordination and contracting of Physical Education activities.
- Evaluation of School Physical Education activities and School Health Education Program
OSSC TGT Syllabus For Hindi
निबंध – निम्नलिखित पाठ्य विषयों से प्रश्न किए जायेंगे
- बालमुकुंद गुप्त – बनाम लार्ड कर्जन
- रामचन्द्र शुक्ल- क्रोध
- हजारी प्रसाद द्विवेदी – अशोक के फूल
- हरिशंकर परसाई – भोलाराम का जीव
- प्रेमचन्द – कर्मभूमि
- भगवती चरण वर्मा – चित्रलेखा
- मन्नू भण्डारी आपका बंटी
- प्रेमचन्द – कफन, पूस की रात
- प्रसाद – पुरस्कार, आकाशदीप
- अज्ञेय – तत्सत्
- भगवती चरण वर्मा – प्रायश्चित्त
- कमलेश्वर – गर्मी के दिन
- जैनेन्द्र कुमार – पत्नी
- उषा पियम्बदा वापसी
- भीष्म साहनी – चीक की दावत
- जय शंकर प्रसाद – चन्द्रगुप्त
- लक्ष्मीनारायण मिश्र – सिंदूर की होली
- मोहन राकेश – आषाढ़ का एक दिन
संस्मरण / रेखाचित्र
- महादेवी वर्मा – गौरा
- रामवृक्ष बेनीपुरी – रजिया
- विष्णु प्रभाकर – अंष्टावक्र
OSSC TGT Syllabus For Sanskrit
- संस्कृतशिक्षणस्य सामान्यम् उद्देश्यं महत्वं च
- माध्यमिकस्तरे संस्कृत शिक्षायाः महत्वम्
- संस्कृतशिक्षायाः मुगर्म कौशलम्
- श्रवणम् पाठनम्, बाचनम्, पठनकौशलम् लेखनकौशलम्
- व्याकरणानुवाद पद्धति (Formal Grammar, Functional Grammar)
- प्रत्यक्षपद्वतिः (Preparation. Presentation. Comparison, Assimilation, (Direct method) Application)
- परोक्षपद्धति: (Indirect Method) अन्वय पद्धति Teaching Poetry.
- आरोह पद्धति अस्या पद्धते: गुजाः दोषाः
भाषामता विषया
- भाषा विभाग
- शब्दरूपम्, धातुरूपम्, विशेषणम्, सर्वनाम, संख्यावाचक विशेषणम्
- शब्दरूपम् – बालक, फल, लता, मुनि, पति, मति, वारि, नदी, भानु, धेनु, मधु, वधू, पितृ, नातृ, गो, गुणिन् राजन्, गच्छत्
- विशेषण सर्वनाम – सर्वं, तद्, यद्, किम्, इदम्, अस्मद्, युष्मद
- संख्यावाचक- एक, द्वित्रि, चतुर, पञ्च, मद्
- पूरणवाचक प्रथम, द्वितीय इत्यादि
- शब्द निर्माणम् – उपसर्गः, कृदन्तः स्त्रीप्रत्ययः
- शब्दज्ञानम् – व्याकरणगताः पारिभाषिकाः शब्दाः
- सन्धिः, णत्वविधि, षत्वविभिः
भाषासाहित्यशिक्षण पद्धति
- Method of assessment learning Sanskrit language and literature
- गद्य-पद्य प्रशिक्षण परीक्षण योजना
- Planning of assessment of teaching prose and poetry.
- परीक्षजस्य योजना साफल्यं च परीक्षणस्य अवान्तर साधनानि
संस्कृतभाषायाः मौलिकं ज्ञानम्
- अदृष्ट सन्दर्भगिताः प्रश्वाः
- गद्यभागस्य एकः सन्दर्भः (१५० शब्दमध्ये
- पञ्चतन्त्रतः हितोपदेशत
- Word meaning, Sandhi, Karaka Vibhakti Samasa, Prakriti Pratyaya
OSSC TGT Syllabus For Physical Education
Principle and History of Physical Education
- Meaning, Objectives, Aims of Physical Education
- Relationship of Physical Education to General Education, Health
- Education and Recreation
- Importance of Physical Exercise, Physical Training and Physical Culture
- Culture Physical Education as a Socializing agencies
- Olympics and Asian Games
- Teachers Training and Professional preparation In Physical Education
Sports Psychology
- Meaning and importance in Physical Education
- Mental Process – Body, Mind, Relationship and Neuro-muscular coordination
- Transfer of training, Theories of Play, Learning processes and play way in Education
- Individual differences as personality, mental hygiene and child guidance
- Discipline and Behaviour: Nature and Development
Organization, Administration and Recreation
- Importance, objectives and guiding principles
- Construction and care of gymnasium and swimming pools
- Preparation of different playground
- Need, purchase and maintenance of sports equipment and maintenance of different registers and record
- Preparation of Budget, accounting and auditing
- Importance of Recreation in Human life
Anatomy Physiology and Health Education
- Joints structure, Types and Movements of the Joints, Importance of Good Posture and Remedies of Bad Posture
- Effect of regular activities on muscles, heart and respiratory system Fatigue, Its causes and remedies
- Blood pressure, oxygen debt, second wild
- Importance of health education and the role of Physical Education
- Different diseases and their symptoms, detection care and prevention of diseases like Cholera, Diarrhea, Chicken Pox, Measles, Tetanus, Diphtheria and Malaria
Methods of Physical Education
- Meaning, Scope and Importance of Methods in Physical Education
- Drill and Marching Commands, Teaching aids, various methods of teaching physical activities, Games, Sports and Indigenous activities.
- Various Tournaments and Competitions
- Test, Measurement, and Evaluation in Physical Education, National Physical Efficiency Test
- Layout of the track and field events and different playgrounds
- Demonstration and Exhibitions, Awards and Incentives
- Lesson Planning – General and Specific
Officiating and Coaching
- The qualities of good officials, the relation of an official with management, coaches, players and spectators
- Duties of the officials
- Promoting and maintaining different games, publicity, arrangement of training camps and schedules
- Conditioning of players and teams – General, Fundamental, Workload
- Warming up-Types and Values
- Various training methods – Isometric and Isotonic exercises, Circuit
OSSC TGT Selection Process
- Prelims
- Mains examination
- Certificate Verification
OSSC TGT Prelims Exam Pattern
One must prepare through the OSSC TGT Teacher Syllabus mentioned in the OSSC TGT Teacher Notification 2023. It will help the candidates to understand that how much effort and which topics they need to crack the OSSC TGT Teacher Exam 2023.
- Total Question: 100
- Total Marks: 100
- Correct Answer: 01 Marks
Subject | Que/ Marks |
General Studies | 30/30 |
Arithmetic | 20/20 |
Reasoning, Mental Ability, Analytical Ability | 20/20 |
Current Affairs | 10/10 |
Computer/Internet Awareness | 20/20 |
Total | 100/100 |
OSSC TGT Mains Exam Pattern
There are a total of 150 questions with 150 marks. Each correct question will carry 01 marks. There is a negative marking of 1/4 marks. Check OSSC TGT Exam Pattern 2023 from the below given section.
- Total Question: 150
- Total Marks: 150
- Correct Answer: 01 Marks
- Negative Marking: Yes(1/4 marks)
Subject | Que/ Marks |
TGT Arts | 150/150 |
TGT Science PCM | 150/150 |
TGT Science BCZ | 150/150 |
Teacher Telugu | 150/150 |
Teacher Sanskrit | 150/150 |
Teacher Hindi | 150/150 |
Teacher Urdu | 150/150 |
TGT Arts Subject
- Geography+Economics
- English
- Odia
- History+Political Science
- Pedagogy & Evaluation
TGT Science PCM Subject
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Mathematics
- Pedagogy & Evaluation
TGT Science BCZ Subject
- Botany
- Zoology
- Pedagogy & Evaluation
- Chemistry
Teacher Telugu Subject
- Telugu
- Pedagogy & Evaluation
Teacher Sanskrit Subject
- Sanskrit
- Pedagogy & Evaluation
Teacher Hindi Subject
- Hindi
- Pedagogy & Evaluation
Teacher Urdu Subject
- Urdu
- Pedagogy & Evaluation
OSSC TGT Syllabus 2024 PDF Download
Candidates can download OSSC TGT Syllabus 2023 from the below link or from the official website of OSSC @ ossc.gov.in
Event | Link |
Download PDF | Click Here |
Official Website | Click Here |
OSSC TGT Syllabus 2024 – FAQs
There are a total of 100 questions in the OSSC TGT Prelims Exam 2023.
There are a total of 150 questions in the OSSC TGT Mains Exam.
Yes, there is a negative marking on 1/4 marks in OSSC TGT Exam.
Total Question 150, Correct answer 01 marks. Total Marks 150.