NYKS Volunteer Salary 2023 In-Hand, Per Month Salary

The Competent Authority has directed that process of issuing of advertisement as per the approved sample copy provided in the NYV selection guideline may be issued on 23rd February 2023 in the local leading newspaper, strictly as per the standard/approved advertisement (copy enclosed in Annexure-A), as per the following time schedule.

NYKS Volunteer Salary 2023

However, it is to inform you that the matter of recommending Names of nominees in each district-level NYV selection committee is already under submission with the Ministry of y A&S. The file approved list of nominees will be communicated as and when the same is received from MYA&S. DYOs may be directed to move the fil e to DM/DCs for fixing a date for interview for selecting NYVs, only after receipt of approved list of nominees in each district-level NYV selection committee from MY A&S.

  • Honorarium: Rs. 5000 per month.
  • NYKS Volunteer Salaries: Rs. 8,389 to Rs. 9,357 per month.(Approx)

एनवाईकेएस स्वयंसेवक वेतन

  • मानदेय : रु. 5000 प्रति माह।
  • एनवाईकेएस स्वयंसेवी वेतन: रुपये। 8,389 से रु। 9,357 प्रति माह।

NYKS Salary Volunteer Grade Pay

  • As Per Recruitment Rule

NYKS Salary Volunteer Pay Band

  • As Per Recruitment Rule

NYKS Salary Volunteer Pay Level

  • As Per Recruitment Rule

NYKS Salary Volunteer Basic Pay

  • As Per Recruitment Rule

NYKS Volunteer Salary In Hand

The scheme of NYC would create a space enabling young men and women in the age group of 18 to 29 years to serve up to two years in Nation Building activities for which they would receive a monthly honorarium of Rs. 5000/- .

NYKS Volunteer Salary Per Month

  • Each volunteer will be paid a monthly honorarium of Rs. 5000/- after successful completion of the monthly target, online reporting/ feedback and receipt of online attendance.
  • प्रत्येक स्वयंसेवक को 500 रुपये मासिक मानदेय दिया जाएगा। 5000 / – मासिक लक्ष्य के सफल समापन के बाद, ऑनलाइन रिपोर्टिंग / फीडबैक और ऑनलाइन उपस्थिति प्राप्त करने के बाद।

NYKS Volunteer Salary After Target

Issue of Advertisement in the local leading newspaper (in the local language), as per the specimen for advertisement as approved by Hqtrs. For issuing advertisements in local leading newspapers, Rs. 5000/- may be utilized out of the total amount of Rs. 10,000/- sanctioned to each kendra/district.

  • Once the interview date is confirmed, the District Youth Officer will issue interview call letters to all concerned candidates by registered post and email also. Further, all candidates will be informed over the phone also.
  • Rs. 10,000/- per district is being provided to meet out the interview expenditure including the expenses on advertisement.

FAQs on NYKS Volunteer Salary

What is the NYKS Volunteer Salary?

The Basic Salary is Rs.5000 for the NYKS Volunteer.

What is the NYKS Volunteer In Hand Salary?

The NYKS Volunteer In Hand Salary is Rs.8000 – Rs.10000(Approx).

What is the grade pay of NYKS Volunteer Salary?

The Grade Pay is given as per the rule.

What is the NYKS Volunteer Pay Level.

The pay level is as per the rule.

Is there any allowances are given with the NYKS Volunteer Salary?

Please Note that the allowances are given as per the recruitment rule.
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